How to Pay for Counseling

Convenient Options to get you where you need to be

Accessible, convenient options to meet your needs

Saying yes to counseling is a brave choice that for many, leads to renewed hope and confidence to tackle any challenges you might face. While most people agree that counseling is important, many people don’t understand how affordable it is. With a variety of service options and payment methods, we believe no one should be left wondering “how do I pay for counseling?”

Ways to Pay


Did you know you can use your Health Savings Account to cover the cost of counseling? This option works similar to a credit card or other payment option. We’re also happy to provide you with any special documentation that you may need to take advantage of this program.

Health Insurance

A growing number of insurance plans include support for mental health care. You may qualify and not even know it.

Out of Pocket

Many people are surprised at how affordable it can be to pay out of pocket. While cost ranges by income and household size, people often make major strides in as little as five sessions. We accept major credit cards for payment.

Crosswinds Counseling accepts the following Insurance


Most Frequent Questions and Answers about Paying for Counseling

Crosswinds counseling sessions cost $125 to $150 per hour, however, the cost could be decreased with insurance or Corporate Counseling benefits (if your employer is a partner with Crosswinds). Call our office at (877) 594 – 9204 or text (260) 238 – 8939 for more information.

Insurance plans and providers vary. The best way to tell if your counseling is covered by insurance is to contact your insurance company directly with the phone number on the back of your insurance card. They can help you identify what benefits you have and where exactly you can use them.

Yes! We often have individuals reach out on behalf of a friend or family member. We have a simple “third-party payer program,” which will allow you to seamlessly pay for services on behalf of someone else. Contact us for more information.

Crosswinds offers Corporate Counseling — more than a typical EAP. Learn more about the services we can provide to your business by reading about our Corporate Counseling Program.

Still Not Sure About Counseling?

If you’re still not sure if counseling would be right for you, or don’t know what to expect, read some more questions (and answers) other people have frequently asked us!

Crosswinds Counseling offers different options to better meet your lifestyle and needs. 

Our counselors have helped thousands of people gain confidence and overcome difficulty.

We can help you too.